Friday, April 19, 2013

Love this book by Paul Cohelo - The Valkyries

Just felt like sharing few lines from a book by Paul Cohelo which I started reading
  • Anything that occurs once can never occur again. But, should it happen twice, it will surely happen a third time. 
  • And each man kills the thing he loves,Some do it with a bitter look,Some with a flattering word,The coward does it with a kiss,The brave man with a sword. 
  • I have wound up destroying what I've loved. I've seen my dreams fall apart just when I seemed about to achieve them. I always thought that was just the way life was. My life and everyone Else's.
The last line above as well reminds me of a very old  I remember famous Urdu words from one of my teacher - 

Qismat ki khoobi dekhiye tooti kahan kamnd
Do char haath hee jab lab-e-baam reh gaya

  • He quit his job again (a mania for leaving everything behind). He gave no explanation, saying only that he was fed up with what he was doing.He also said that it didn't make sense to keep quitting his jobs, changing one for another. He needed to discover what it was that he wanted. They had put some money aside, and had decided to do some traveling. 
  • Have you ever had the feeling, at certain moments in your life, that someone was observing what you were doing?  How did you know ? - I just know. There are moments when, without really knowing it, we are aware of the presence of someone 
  • We begin to create a kind of film in which we are the main character, and we are certain that someone is observing our actions.But then, as we get older, we begin to think that such things are ridiculous. We think of it as having been just a child's fantasy of being a movie actor. We forget that, at those moments in which we are presenting ourselves before an invisible audience, the sensation of being observed was very strong.

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