Friday, August 9, 2013

Fight or Flight or Neither - Our Social Intelligence

While reading a book, especially a book on psychological or philosophical aspects most of us have a tendency to relate the incidents, characters, philosophy with our own or others (people known to you) experiences. We do this perhaps because it helps us to understand and relate. This happened to me while I was reading a book called Social Intelligence (by Daniel Goleman of Emotional Intelligence) where he cites an example of a mob fearing from a group of soldiers gets united against them. The mob had a preconceived negative notion that the soldiers have come to arrest their leader or may harm their place of worship. The commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hughes had to think fast. He took a loudspeaker –told his soldiers first to kneel on one knee, then second to point their rifles towards the ground and third to have a big smile on their faces. This had a dramatic effect on the situation there by breaking the cultural and language barriers. He was able to calm the whole crowd.

Daniel explains this further by calling this as brain’s social brilliance even in a tense and chaotic situation e.g. deciding instantly whether to run or engage when you encounter a stranger with the help of your mind neural circuits. 

I had an incident with a stranger on a Mehrauli Road between Gurgaon & Delhi last month where I behaved differently than my normal self .Honestly, I was surprised by my own behavior & felt that it was not me .The behavior did not came at least from my thinking mind. . It was afternoon time on a weekday with fair amount of traffic on the road. I was going for a client meeting when I heard a sound “hump” like something touched my car in the back. There was not much of traffic and I had plenty of time and was driving at a normal pace . I noticed a man on a bike driving next to me .I am known among my friends and family who drives safe. That day was not any different. I was pretty sure that there was no chance that I have done something wrong. I got a feeling that the man on the bike has actually deliberately come closer to my car and with his hand had slapped the car body which caused that sound. As I was confident and my intentions were clear, I stopped my car just to understand and find out what was the problem.
I still didn’t understand that this is the trap created by the man on the bike just to attract my attention and made me stopped. This is what he wanted .The moment I stopped my car just to find out what has happened, he aggressively took his helmet out. Now I can see his face and body built. He was more than 6 ft height and muscular built more like a wrestler. The commuters were not interested in what is happening on the road side. Everyone just passed by.
 When I asked him what had happened, out of a sudden he changed his tone. He was now sounding like someone who wants to extort money from you. He was very straight and said- You were driving wrong & you were about to hit me on my bike. Give me money and we will settle it here. I was astonished and now I could realise his intentions and why & how he created this trap. I got into his trap. 
I collected my little presence of mind still present there and just laughed as I am not scared from him and his threat .I told him that why he is doing this in broad day light ?I told him this and just sat in my car so that I can just get out of there. He understood that I am not going to shell out money so easily to him. May be he was looking for more. He now changed the tactics. He as well opened my car and sat in the front seat and asked me to give money or drive with him.
This was the moment that my sixth sense worked. I guess similar to what might have occurred to   Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hughes as narrated by Daniel Goleman in Social Intelligence. I responded looking at the gravity of situation .I quickly took my phone and came out of my car. I had a feeling that he wanted to kidnap me. That guy came out of the car as well. I pretended to him that I know him and I as well stay nearby in the same area. He did not believe first .He asked me name & where I live. I told him whatever came to my mind just out of nowhere. Seeing that it has some impact but not that he can let me go. But I could see that he is now thinking about his next actions. I had to say something more which can deter him. A day before one of my friends had traveled from Mumbai with an ACP (Assistant Commissioner of Police) who was sitting next to him. When I was talking to him, he told me the name of that ACP. In the same breath I also told that guy- Do you know I am nephew of that ACP & I raised my tone Do you know what an ACP is? Seeing my reaction that guy again changed his tone and said since it was my fault, I should have said Sorry & matter would have been over. I told him if this is the case- I am sorry. The moment I said this like he was now trying to escape as well from the situation. He sat on has bike, kicked, started it & within seconds he had gone.

I was standing there, still not able to believe that I was able to avoid a difficult situation. There are many more incidents which I can collect now where I lied, behaved very differently or acted without thinking out of impulse to come out of a difficult situation or to give myself into a situation. I can now recall & relate to many such difficult situations in life and how our mind had behaved in those tricky situations. Funny isn't it? 

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