Saturday, October 12, 2013

Are we still slaves - the freedom of human being

Human Being from ages -may be from the time when he would have started "thinking" .or may be when he would have realized that "he is" and he would have started questioning things around himself.

There must be few human beings one who were in power,the power which came from their control of other human beings -through his mind he controlled/influenced other people's mind and controlled their actions through controlling their lives.Human beings are always limited with their mind (its always limited -even now)

With their limited intelligence the powerful human beings would have established "rules" and "procedures" for the sake of his own power & comfort living.From these rules & procedures must have come choices -

"either" "or" / "materialist" or "spiritualist" /  "moral" or "immoral" / "sinner" or "saint" / " hell" and "heaven" 

If you would have noticed all these choices are based on some kind of differentiation or division.Whenever you have a "choice" and you want to exercise a choice,then the "split" is already there.

"A part" of you wants to do this but another part of you want to do something else.But you do one thing while you are thinking something else All the wars/genocides in the history have been fought of because of these differences of ideology of minds.One human being (or a a image/part of him)  fighting with another human being(or a image/part of him) 

Don't you think this is just stupid ? Why this has not been stopped yet ?

What has happened in the process ? We have divided human being .We have created misery and hell for him. Now he can never be complete or one He will never be able to realize a "complete" "emotional,intellectual and physical health".

When one part of him is "enjoying" ,the other part of him feels "guilty"or is planning to take "revenge".The part which is feeling "guilty" or "suppressed" will find innovative ways to take "revenge" or will do something to counter that "emotional state"-the one which has been more imposed on you.A constant battle is always going on inside you.

Your mind which continuously plays tricks with you..has not been allowed to be "whole".I am not sure if you have ever realized the feeling of wholeness.The feeling where there are no choices .This does not mean that the two views or worlds will disappear.What it means is that the two will merge into one...

You must be thinking how that is possible.How one can be both materialistic and spiritualistic ?The division you see which exists in the world is nothing but the division of the mind.Once you or human beings "accept themselves" -  "as they are" ..the inner division which exists today will end .Once this ends in our mind,the world will change .It will become a different place 

God and Devils will dine together.My morality will understand my immorality.There will be no conflict as there will be no opposition .We call this stae as transcending duality.No friends and No enemies.

This has a possibility of creating a new world  a choice less world,The choices man has now are man made and not natural.These choices have been created with time,society,religion,politics,nationality,economic divide etc etc.When human beings are born they are born with no choice.We start downloading our past inside him.We started cutting him from whole to parts i.e "What to do" and "What not to do " .He looses his wholeness soon & what you see is a robot a manufactured robot from the society itself.

The moment a human being wants to become a whole- the society,his own family does not like this and does not want to accept this.They will make him feel guilty about this. Sooner or later poor human beings starts believing this as well.He himself feels guilt about what he is.He denies himself ,his natural self, his wholeness.I used to wonder in past Why I am not creative ?The reason which I have realized now is "the divide ".I was denying myself -What I am .which was not letting me to be creative.

Every human being is born creative before he starts following the orders or rules and procedures from society.It perhaps is a necessary evil for the society at the cost of the freedom of a human being.If you have the courage to destroy all bondage-you can come out of the slavery or the prison of your mind.

Human being cannot achieve it's true potential until unless he does not have the ability to think as a individual.This may mean he has to be rebellious against the same society which he is a part of .There are others who are waiting for you to be rebellious.Once you become rebellious ,they too join you.

If you look at history,you will find few rebellious people who in their times in their country realized this.They break away from their society and before they could have realized they formed a new religion or a new society or a new country.People who are regarded or worshiped today were the ridiculed by their own family or society.

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