Sunday, August 19, 2012


When some one asks when were you born?We normally share our birth date when we came out of our mother's womb.But seeds of  our existence had been nine months before.So what should be our date of birth...?when we came in mother's womb or when we came out of mother womb....The point I want to make from worldly perspective we were there before our real birth...

Those of us who have studied science ,know that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed...All of us are bundles of energy....which manifest as a form of human birth....which has mind to store and process  information...It's very difficult to believe...What a coincidence ?

Have you ever wondered....that most important things happens to us .Birth happens as much as Death to us...We don't control same...What we control(not all of us) is in between...There is another dimension to us....our EGO....Some of us may wonder what's that?

We don't have EGO on the day we are born...Scientist have shared that for a new born baby,there is no difference between a baby and world around baby..Baby does not differentiate this...
Slowly he started realising that he is different from the world around him...and EGO starts developing..
A day comes when we only can associate us to the EGO only.....though that was not the case when we were born...So what's the message .....
If you can either recall your early ,very early child hood memories ...or see children around you will notice that most of them are very happy .Have you wondered Why they are very happy ? Why it is difficult for a adult to be happy? Have you seen a very small child sleeping? In fact see a infant  sleeping....See his face....Calm and at peace....Why ?
Absence of EGO is the reason...I know for most of us there is no difference between us and our EGO...but as we can see our self so we cannot be that...As our old scriptures have said...Seeker is different from seeking..

You are different/separate from what you can see/visualise
If you can understand this....transformation will you....
This realisation is so powerful that world does not remains same..
There is no fear then....

I am surprised why most of us have been able to realise this through GOD or religion or spirituality but that's a choice we have...not a mandatory thing.
There are no schools,colleges,universities which help you with this secret...
Attitude,Knowledge and what makes us what we are....

If you have ever realised that how limited and inadequate are our schools,colleges and universities to help us to live a very peaceful and happy life...which I feel is the most important thing for most of us The end objective of whatever we do is to get something or acquire something which in turn will give us that happiness and peace...But Do we really get it ?
Most of us do what we do is because of our insecurity ...This is hard fact but not convenient to accept..We have never think that way...We say we work hard because we are ambitious...?
So we are always incomplete...being ambitious means you don't have or you are incomplete now...The drive can be because of insecurity or because of greed...but we always feel incomplete in the present moment. Now you will not wonder that why life is a struggle with yourself and not a play like ?Why are you not happy in the present moment?

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