Sunday, August 26, 2012

Search for GOD

What is GOD ?
When we start searching,we already have a image in our mind on what it looks like...This becomes our first problem...
If you already have a image or some one have already define GOD -than this cannot be the GOD because that GOD is a image created by human mind for may be thousand of years...
You may have a different image of GOD basis time/religion/place....
This itself is against the concept of GOD,there cannot be many GODS....who have created this universe...
So we start our search for GOD with a already preconceived notion of what it this search is good to start the quest but will not get you to where you want to go....Its like I already know the end result ,I just need to choose the path...
So start with an  open mind...or start beyond your mind has limitation because of our social conditioning and conditioning of many many years,....
God is not a thing which you can found at a market place or a grocery shops,though we all have started doing this..I have seen most of us search GOD like if it is a thing which can be found in temple,mosque,church or if you are a new age professional more educated..and more smart you are trying to find same in Spiritual Leaders/Gurus.I called that as Spiritual window shopping...

But don't mistake me to be a "atheist".I am not.....but neither I am a believer..of GOD Just questioning and finding  "MY"  "GOD" and not accepting "YOUR GOD" because Your GOD would have helped you when you have embarked on the journey?How that can help me without me exploring & finding my GOD?

God is there or not not a very important question.Question should be Is it important for you to find out & Have you started your quest to find out the truth..?.

If all religious people will start encouraging their religious men on this path...they may not get followers(which perhaps is counter to their objectives of organized religion) but I am sure they will get more religious people in this world.

People ask me - What do you believe in ? If believing is coming after your own experiments with truth ,this believing is natural and followed by your search ...But majority of us believe because we have been told to....This believing is no different than non believing yourself and your own existence .Its like I am thirsty but I am asking if someone can tell me if I am thirsty ?

People who have been able to find GOD or TRUTH were no better than you but more courageous and more thirsty perhaps...The choice "TO BE " is always there but we are not ready most of the times.

Teacher is inside you ,don't search for him outside..You don't need knowledge from outside but its always there...but may be hidden by your own EGO ,EGO is like a dust on the mirror

The best way to prove something is by rejecting that it does not exist and than experiment with it to prove the other way round...This is more of a scientific way....,should be repeatable...can be any place and time....This than becomes like a eternal truth...

We always say seeing is believing or I should see GOD. Or I should be able to sense it...
When we want to differentiate between Reality and Fiction-we differentiate this through our senses on a broader levels as most of the things we experience is through our senses...(smelling-nose,taste-tongue,seeing-eyes,hearing-ears and touching-skin).Interestingly all these five senses are and can be experienced above neck...itself-you don't need to have a full body to experience all  senses.

But now lets understand the limitation of the senses...not everything can be experienced in life through senses...Does it means rest is not there or fiction..the answer is no....I believe .reality can be beyond senses -lets think of magnetic field or gravitational force .We cannot see it but its always there.....Also infrared rays or ultra violet light..human senses cannot see it but some of the animals can see what is reality for animals is not a reality for human senses...

Lets move from outside to inside ward to inward...Our feelings cannot be seen until unless we expose them our self....our thoughts cannot be seen until unless we transform them to actions....
Love cannot be seen  until unless it is expressed...but this does not mean it never exist...

So to me GOD is that VOICE inside me, that unconditional LOVE which I have got and I try to give back,KNOWLEDGE which helped me find my ignorance, CREATIVITY which helps me find solutions which works for me and to others whom I serve.The search is still ON......


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