Saturday, October 12, 2013

Are we still slaves - the freedom of human being

Human Being from ages -may be from the time when he would have started "thinking" .or may be when he would have realized that "he is" and he would have started questioning things around himself.

There must be few human beings one who were in power,the power which came from their control of other human beings -through his mind he controlled/influenced other people's mind and controlled their actions through controlling their lives.Human beings are always limited with their mind (its always limited -even now)

With their limited intelligence the powerful human beings would have established "rules" and "procedures" for the sake of his own power & comfort living.From these rules & procedures must have come choices -

"either" "or" / "materialist" or "spiritualist" /  "moral" or "immoral" / "sinner" or "saint" / " hell" and "heaven" 

If you would have noticed all these choices are based on some kind of differentiation or division.Whenever you have a "choice" and you want to exercise a choice,then the "split" is already there.

"A part" of you wants to do this but another part of you want to do something else.But you do one thing while you are thinking something else All the wars/genocides in the history have been fought of because of these differences of ideology of minds.One human being (or a a image/part of him)  fighting with another human being(or a image/part of him) 

Don't you think this is just stupid ? Why this has not been stopped yet ?

What has happened in the process ? We have divided human being .We have created misery and hell for him. Now he can never be complete or one He will never be able to realize a "complete" "emotional,intellectual and physical health".

When one part of him is "enjoying" ,the other part of him feels "guilty"or is planning to take "revenge".The part which is feeling "guilty" or "suppressed" will find innovative ways to take "revenge" or will do something to counter that "emotional state"-the one which has been more imposed on you.A constant battle is always going on inside you.

Your mind which continuously plays tricks with you..has not been allowed to be "whole".I am not sure if you have ever realized the feeling of wholeness.The feeling where there are no choices .This does not mean that the two views or worlds will disappear.What it means is that the two will merge into one...

You must be thinking how that is possible.How one can be both materialistic and spiritualistic ?The division you see which exists in the world is nothing but the division of the mind.Once you or human beings "accept themselves" -  "as they are" ..the inner division which exists today will end .Once this ends in our mind,the world will change .It will become a different place 

God and Devils will dine together.My morality will understand my immorality.There will be no conflict as there will be no opposition .We call this stae as transcending duality.No friends and No enemies.

This has a possibility of creating a new world  a choice less world,The choices man has now are man made and not natural.These choices have been created with time,society,religion,politics,nationality,economic divide etc etc.When human beings are born they are born with no choice.We start downloading our past inside him.We started cutting him from whole to parts i.e "What to do" and "What not to do " .He looses his wholeness soon & what you see is a robot a manufactured robot from the society itself.

The moment a human being wants to become a whole- the society,his own family does not like this and does not want to accept this.They will make him feel guilty about this. Sooner or later poor human beings starts believing this as well.He himself feels guilt about what he is.He denies himself ,his natural self, his wholeness.I used to wonder in past Why I am not creative ?The reason which I have realized now is "the divide ".I was denying myself -What I am .which was not letting me to be creative.

Every human being is born creative before he starts following the orders or rules and procedures from society.It perhaps is a necessary evil for the society at the cost of the freedom of a human being.If you have the courage to destroy all bondage-you can come out of the slavery or the prison of your mind.

Human being cannot achieve it's true potential until unless he does not have the ability to think as a individual.This may mean he has to be rebellious against the same society which he is a part of .There are others who are waiting for you to be rebellious.Once you become rebellious ,they too join you.

If you look at history,you will find few rebellious people who in their times in their country realized this.They break away from their society and before they could have realized they formed a new religion or a new society or a new country.People who are regarded or worshiped today were the ridiculed by their own family or society.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Human Beings are wired to connect

The latest discovery in neuroscience has proved what spiritual sciences were saying for ages. The latest studies have proved that brain design is such that during interpersonal interactions our brain inter-connects with other brains and hence makes human species sociable.So you effect the brain of the other person through interactions .This sounds like a wireless or a blue-tooth technology.Brain-Mind- Body connection we all are aware.So what it means we all are connected and influencing each other every day of our lives.This sounds like a worldwide web.

So going further into this ,each day we have various interactions.Some interactions are desirable and some undesirable..Each interaction triggers a emotion.Now the magnitude of these emotions will depend on our bonding with the person.The stronger the bond,or we say the closer a person is -the stronger will be the emotional response because of the bond between the two human beings.The more close a person is,more time you spend with him/her and more strong is the emotional bonding and hence the response.

So our life experiences decide how we feel ,which impacts our emotions around those feelings.Different emotions result in different body responses and secretion of hormones.Have you ever noticed when you see someone you don't like or I will say hate...notice how your breathing pattern changes.You will start breathing fast or a shorter interval like you need more oxygen.

Do we realize now how important human relationships are ? A stressful relationship is like a slow poison and impacts you in a long run.but opposite is true as well.A loving relationship may give you a lot of strength and energy to counter life struggles.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Triple Filter Socrates

One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher Socrates and said, "Do you know what I just heard from one of your friends?"

"Hold on a minute," Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test. " "Triple Filter?" asked the man. "That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I called it the triple filter test."The first filter is Truth. "Have you made absolutely sure that what you're about to tell me is true?" "No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and wanted to tell it to you." "Alright," said Socrates, "so you don't really know if it's true or not."
Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. "Is what you are going to tell me about my friend something good?" "No, on the contrary , it is bad." "So," Socrates replied, " you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain if it's true."
"You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left, the filter of Usefulness." " Is what you are going to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?" "No, not really." replied the man. "Well," concluded Socrates , " if what you are going to tell me is neither true, nor good, and nor even useful to me, why telling me at all."

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

When death comes, it does not ask your permission;
it comes and takes you; it destroys you on the spot.

Have you ever in your experience in an instant ever totally dropped HATE,ENVY, PRIDE of ANY KIND OF POSSESSION, ATTACHMENT to BELIEFS or OPINIONS or IDEAS or a Particular way of THINKING  

To drop opinion, belief, attachment, greed, or envy is to die—to die every day, every moment
If there is the coming to an end of all ambition from moment to moment, then you will know the extraordinary state of being nothing
& in this nothingness is LIVING ...

Die every day..& you will truly live...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fight or Flight or Neither - Our Social Intelligence

While reading a book, especially a book on psychological or philosophical aspects most of us have a tendency to relate the incidents, characters, philosophy with our own or others (people known to you) experiences. We do this perhaps because it helps us to understand and relate. This happened to me while I was reading a book called Social Intelligence (by Daniel Goleman of Emotional Intelligence) where he cites an example of a mob fearing from a group of soldiers gets united against them. The mob had a preconceived negative notion that the soldiers have come to arrest their leader or may harm their place of worship. The commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hughes had to think fast. He took a loudspeaker –told his soldiers first to kneel on one knee, then second to point their rifles towards the ground and third to have a big smile on their faces. This had a dramatic effect on the situation there by breaking the cultural and language barriers. He was able to calm the whole crowd.

Daniel explains this further by calling this as brain’s social brilliance even in a tense and chaotic situation e.g. deciding instantly whether to run or engage when you encounter a stranger with the help of your mind neural circuits. 

I had an incident with a stranger on a Mehrauli Road between Gurgaon & Delhi last month where I behaved differently than my normal self .Honestly, I was surprised by my own behavior & felt that it was not me .The behavior did not came at least from my thinking mind. . It was afternoon time on a weekday with fair amount of traffic on the road. I was going for a client meeting when I heard a sound “hump” like something touched my car in the back. There was not much of traffic and I had plenty of time and was driving at a normal pace . I noticed a man on a bike driving next to me .I am known among my friends and family who drives safe. That day was not any different. I was pretty sure that there was no chance that I have done something wrong. I got a feeling that the man on the bike has actually deliberately come closer to my car and with his hand had slapped the car body which caused that sound. As I was confident and my intentions were clear, I stopped my car just to understand and find out what was the problem.
I still didn’t understand that this is the trap created by the man on the bike just to attract my attention and made me stopped. This is what he wanted .The moment I stopped my car just to find out what has happened, he aggressively took his helmet out. Now I can see his face and body built. He was more than 6 ft height and muscular built more like a wrestler. The commuters were not interested in what is happening on the road side. Everyone just passed by.
 When I asked him what had happened, out of a sudden he changed his tone. He was now sounding like someone who wants to extort money from you. He was very straight and said- You were driving wrong & you were about to hit me on my bike. Give me money and we will settle it here. I was astonished and now I could realise his intentions and why & how he created this trap. I got into his trap. 
I collected my little presence of mind still present there and just laughed as I am not scared from him and his threat .I told him that why he is doing this in broad day light ?I told him this and just sat in my car so that I can just get out of there. He understood that I am not going to shell out money so easily to him. May be he was looking for more. He now changed the tactics. He as well opened my car and sat in the front seat and asked me to give money or drive with him.
This was the moment that my sixth sense worked. I guess similar to what might have occurred to   Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hughes as narrated by Daniel Goleman in Social Intelligence. I responded looking at the gravity of situation .I quickly took my phone and came out of my car. I had a feeling that he wanted to kidnap me. That guy came out of the car as well. I pretended to him that I know him and I as well stay nearby in the same area. He did not believe first .He asked me name & where I live. I told him whatever came to my mind just out of nowhere. Seeing that it has some impact but not that he can let me go. But I could see that he is now thinking about his next actions. I had to say something more which can deter him. A day before one of my friends had traveled from Mumbai with an ACP (Assistant Commissioner of Police) who was sitting next to him. When I was talking to him, he told me the name of that ACP. In the same breath I also told that guy- Do you know I am nephew of that ACP & I raised my tone Do you know what an ACP is? Seeing my reaction that guy again changed his tone and said since it was my fault, I should have said Sorry & matter would have been over. I told him if this is the case- I am sorry. The moment I said this like he was now trying to escape as well from the situation. He sat on has bike, kicked, started it & within seconds he had gone.

I was standing there, still not able to believe that I was able to avoid a difficult situation. There are many more incidents which I can collect now where I lied, behaved very differently or acted without thinking out of impulse to come out of a difficult situation or to give myself into a situation. I can now recall & relate to many such difficult situations in life and how our mind had behaved in those tricky situations. Funny isn't it? 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Man's search for meaning -You expect something from life or Life should expect something from you

Good thing about your true friends are that they can say those things on your faces without getting worried abut pros & cons. Your ego also does not get hurt with them saying this on your face. I was invited by one of my old friends for a dinner and was looking forward discussing anything which came to my mind without fear of being judged . Few single malt drinks with aroma of anticipated Chicken Biryani had set the mood for the evening . The evenings like this always remind me of my wife as this is the way life has to be lived with family,friends and an open discussion about few topics of common interest where every one listens,contributes,develops his understanding better about the topics which were part of the discussion..This was one of those evenings....

The intention was not to discuss Frankl but he came from somewhere & we started discussing about Freud's frustration in the sexual life & Frankl frustration in the "will-to-meaning." Frankl had came to a stage in his life when he suddenly realizes he has "nothing to lose except his so ridiculously naked life." Also he said to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying. But no man can tell another what this purpose is. Each must find out for himself, and must accept the responsibility that his answer may prescribes. If he succeeds he will continue to grow in spite of all indignities.

Frankl is fond of quoting Nietzsche, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how". In the adverse conditions which we all face sometime or the other are nothing as compare to what Frankl faced in a concentration camp where circumstance were forcing prisoners lose their hold on themselves Like he said that all the familiar goals which we all have in life are snatched away. What alone remains is "the last of human freedoms"— the ability to "choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances." This ultimate freedom as we say..

Frankl aim become to awaken in prisoner (or patients for him ) the feeling that he is responsible to life for something, however grim his circumstances may be. One of the sentences which I heard him saying in one of his videos were - the more you aim success or happiness the more you are going to miss it in present .

We all face situations in our life where you are confused and hesitated with what you should be doing. It can be giving up now to fate or trying one more time.Should I do this because this is right thing to do or because I am being watched or I will get caught ? Should I pick up a job because I love doing it or because it gives me a good salary package? Should I go with what I enjoy or with what I feel I am responsible for ?

I have always listened to my conscience allowed me to do and went with it to the best of my knowledge & abilities. Then if you will live to see that in the long run— "in the long run" (How long :-)) —success will follow you because you had "forgotten" to think of it.

What I have found myself is that Success is the unintended side-effect of one's dedication to a cause greater than oneself.In the similar way , Happiness is the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. Watch the video below will like of Frankl next time..

Friday, May 24, 2013

When to Pray & When to Act

Some people were wondering looking at their captain praying when the ship was about to sail as the climate was fine and there seem to be no problem.Halfway through their journey they faced a storm and got into a rough weather .People got panicked and started praying. They asked the captain as well to join them.Captain looked at terrified faces of people and replied back to them that he prays when it's calm ..When there is storm ,I jump into action....

We all are captains of our LIFE-ships.
When we come across a life situation which we don't like and don't want -many of us will start praying and stop acting ..When you pray you feel better because of it diverts your mind from the stress situation.Stress was because of the thoughts in mind arising from the situation.In a stress-situation caused by some issue or a real problem,our mind sees this problem through his lens.Most of the times we increase the problem size.Praying helps and can solve the problem created by your mind but will not solve the "real problem" but since most of the problem was created by your mind ,that gets resolved.You need to eat in case you are hungry,praying will not help you take care of same.It can help you for sometime by diverting your mind.So Action(with a conscious mind) together with a Prayer (deep faith in your heart) is a good combination for most of the life problems.        

Friday, May 17, 2013

Solution lies beyond your beliefs

I read these beautiful lines and wanted   to share with you.

Buzzard when put in a container of six to eight feet square & open at the top, the bird, despite of his ability to fly, will remain a prisoner. he reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. Without space to run, as is his habit,he will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

A ordinary bat that flies around at night, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

A Bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

Human Beings sometimes behave similarly.They keep struggling about their problems and frustrations,without realizing that the answer was always there above them.When ever you are in  a problem ,see around for a solution than waiting for solution to come to you.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Struggle between Theory and Practice

As a management practitioner ,I always have struggle between what we call theory/books and what reality demands .This reality can be as applied to your own life or for the business you work for.
Your reading and knowledge should not become like weather forecast or a daily horoscope as published in newspapers everyday...which everyone goes through but no one believes in 
I do not want to disrespect academicians here but in my own experience I have found this to be true many times. When I shared this with one of my friend ,he told me that horoscopes are sometimes useful as they contain practical advice.
I have seen my colleagues in academia and in business many times getting into the "trap" which I call intellectual masterxxxx. They are happy with getting themselves published in journals or getting patents but not interested in co-relating this to the impact the same will have to address the critical challenges of people in their life or for businesses they work for.
In my own experience ,I have seen this more becoming a manipulation or just to impress their colleagues or seniors (more of a ego booster ) then a real creation of value.Research as applied should be the measure.
I have been associated with Industry and Academia and as well want to take my share of blame as well of not doing enough..I love theories/books/knowledge and do not want people to loose respect for same.I feel it's my duty to make sure that relevance of same is always maintained. I’ve always wanted to be in a position where I create a real value.. 
I have been as well reading psychology apart from management books .I have been able to find commonalities between challenges as faced by people and business. People are both component of business and family (&society ) -Family, Society & Business is for people & by people so they are very well interrelated 
When I have gone deep in the problems as faced by them,I’ve learned that often there is more to a problem than what is seen on the surface .The real crux of a problem turns out to be invisible. Over a period of time ,I have learnt from my colleagues,friends,clients and have become more aware and conscious. 
I have learnt that behind rational behavior there is lot of irrational causes A anthropologist Ashley Montagu once said, “Human beings are the only creatures who are able to behave irrationally in the name of reason 
I’ve learnt from my own experience that the best way to grow our minds is to solve real problems only.

Friday, May 3, 2013

There is no Meaning & Purpose of Life beyond what you define for yourself

I was reading one of the books and want to share few things here on my blog.We human beings sometime think that this world has been created for us only...How funny? In fact we do not realized that we have created more mess around us ...for our self

Legendary science writer Stephen Jay Gould once told  :The human species has inhabited this planet for only 250,000 years which is like .0015 percent of the history of life.Human beings have lived for that much time.Think of your own life span w.r.t this . The earth & this world fared perfectly well without us for all but the last moment of earthly time–and this fact makes our appearance look more like an accidental afterthought than the culmination of a prefigured plan. Moreover, the pathways that have led to our evolution are quirky, improbable, unrepeatable and utterly unpredictable. Human evolution is not random; it makes sense and can be explained after the fact. But wind back life’s tape to the dawn of time and let it play again–and you will never get humans a second time.

So I am not sure what are we proud of...if we are not sure of our existence second time .Continuing with same .... 
We are here because one odd group of fishes had a peculiar fin anatomy that could transform into legs for terrestrial creatures; because the earth never froze entirely during an ice age; because a small and tenuous species, arising in Africa a quarter of a million years ago, has managed, so far, to survive by hook and by crook. We may yearn for a ‘higher’ answer — but none exists. This explanation, though superficially troubling, if not terrifying, is ultimately liberating and exhilarating.

Infact I am liberated after reading this..

We cannot read the meaning of life passively in the facts of nature. We must construct these answers ourselves — from our own wisdom and ethical sense. There is no other way.

Someone once question this to himself  Why I’m here most of my life ? Then he answered himself - If there’s a purpose I don’t care anymore. I’m seventy-four. I’m on my way out. Let the young people learn the hard way, like I did. No one ever told me anything.

 I am neither young now neither what to do..
Just to be on the lighter side and those who do not want to stress themselves more than what they have already accumulated so far  

A wise man once said that all human activity is a form of play. And the highest form of play is the search for Truth, Beauty and Love. What more is needed? Should there be a ‘meaning’ as well, that will be a bonus?If we waste time looking for life’s meaning, we may have no time to live — or to play.

As far as I am concerned I am more of a seeker, an agonist and this definition suits me...

For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula, the big answers don’t remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God.

We are here to unlearn the teachings of the temples, churches, mosque ,state ,parenting and our educational system. We are here to drink wine & beer. We are here to kill war.We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. We are here to read these words from all these wise men and women who will tell us that we are here for different reasons and the same reason.

Last but not the least some one even questioned this questioning 
Avant-garde composer and philosopher John Cage said : No why. Just here...

Happy Reading...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Work for your purpose and not desires

One of the signs of that you loose sense of time.You also feel that nothing is more important than this purpose.This Purpose has a bigger meaning than your whole life put together.The thought of this purpose energizes you and you get meaning of your life...Through this purpose whatever you do sometimes become a Creation
Work is to be done to satisfy your needs and desires.We all have needs of body and we have desires of mind. Most of our life is around these needs and desires...but if through these desires we are trying to find meaning of our life..we will remain unfulfilled most of our life...Completion of desires gives us momentarily happiness and a long wait for "waiting to be happy." or a feeling of  "incompleteness "

Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie.” ~ Stephen King

Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

Repeating lines which I read somewhere  "You may not be a Picasso or Mozart but you don’t have to be. Just create to create. Create to remind yourself you’re still alive. Make stuff to inspire others to make something too. Create to learn a bit more about yourself.”

Friday, April 19, 2013

Love this book by Paul Cohelo - The Valkyries

Just felt like sharing few lines from a book by Paul Cohelo which I started reading
  • Anything that occurs once can never occur again. But, should it happen twice, it will surely happen a third time. 
  • And each man kills the thing he loves,Some do it with a bitter look,Some with a flattering word,The coward does it with a kiss,The brave man with a sword. 
  • I have wound up destroying what I've loved. I've seen my dreams fall apart just when I seemed about to achieve them. I always thought that was just the way life was. My life and everyone Else's.
The last line above as well reminds me of a very old  I remember famous Urdu words from one of my teacher - 

Qismat ki khoobi dekhiye tooti kahan kamnd
Do char haath hee jab lab-e-baam reh gaya

  • He quit his job again (a mania for leaving everything behind). He gave no explanation, saying only that he was fed up with what he was doing.He also said that it didn't make sense to keep quitting his jobs, changing one for another. He needed to discover what it was that he wanted. They had put some money aside, and had decided to do some traveling. 
  • Have you ever had the feeling, at certain moments in your life, that someone was observing what you were doing?  How did you know ? - I just know. There are moments when, without really knowing it, we are aware of the presence of someone 
  • We begin to create a kind of film in which we are the main character, and we are certain that someone is observing our actions.But then, as we get older, we begin to think that such things are ridiculous. We think of it as having been just a child's fantasy of being a movie actor. We forget that, at those moments in which we are presenting ourselves before an invisible audience, the sensation of being observed was very strong.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Does Life has a beginning or an end ?

Nature has answers to most of the questions which come in human mind.Nature as well have been an inspiration to most of the innovators and inventions..Our scientists and spiritual teachers the most famous one being Buddha have compared Life with a river....The insight which Buddha got while watching a river were similar to what Newton got while watching a apple fall...My memories of what I read earlier got revived while reading one of the Paul Cohelo's books last week
Many of us sometime do had questions about life and where we were before birth and where we will go after death.. While watching a river flow,Buddha said that river too is like life..where this river was before it took the form of a river  and where it will go after it will disappear in sea.So where river was before it took shape of a river and where it will go when it disappear in sea....Appearing and Disappearing of life and river is similar to death and birth..but life and river were always there in another form...Also law of conservation of energy.Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed..It just transforms or changes forms...River becomes vapor in clouds and Clouds become rain and it becomes snow..and then becomes river... .So clouds are like soul of river in case there is something called soul otherwise we can say life transforms  into another river transform as cloud All elements of human body after death go where they belong to 
Life is all around us not only in human beings and it was always there even when human beings were not there. 
Quoting from Paul Cohelo's book - Rivers that have just been reborn in the sea. They will rise to the sky, and remain there until, for whatever reason, they once again become rain and fall to earth.The rivers return to the mountains, but carry with them the wisdom of the sea. That is how you discovered those secrets we had never discussed. You are a river.You have already run down to the sea, and you know its wisdom. You have died and been reborn many times. All you have to do is remember .

Friday, April 5, 2013

If only I could have defined Life & Human beings !!

  • How about Life is one of God's jokes, and we work to make it a good joke instead of a bad one...
  • Life is all about Living and through Living you get experience ...Now the challenge with Experience is that it is a hard teacher. It gives the test first and the lessons afterwards
  • Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own
  • Life exists only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we are not in touch with ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life
  • Life must be lived as it comes along. By living our lives one day at a time, we live all of the days of our lives
  • Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. We cannot go back and start a new beginning,but on any day we can make a fresh start toward a new ending
  • The doors we open and close each day will decide the kind of lives we will lead
  • To see what’s in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle
  • Heaven or hell is not determined by the direction in which we travel, but by the person we have become when we arrive
  • No one grows old by living, only by losing interest in living
  • The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it
  • Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind
  • The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good
  • Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Crazy Human beings !!

If "future" can only be created from "past" then what's the role of "present" ;-)  but then how  many of us are actually able to live in present.. Your mind takes you to your past and to your future. 

Human beings want change and at the same time do not want to get disturbed from statue quo 

Look at the funny situation...Human beings pay money to save time (All automation so far ) and then they pay money to do something with their free time (Travel,TV,Books,Holidays,Gyms,Hobby Classes).

They spent money & time  to learn and then realize that learning has become their bottleneck as well.The only way out is to unlearn and learn something else to avoid this or at least get an illusion of same.
So business houses or marketers make money from their 
  • Time -Help them save time or consume time & this fight is unending....Technology helps you save time and also helps you kill time. 
  • Knowledge/skill  - Or lack of same , believe me many lives will not be enough to learn everything which human mind has created in  thousands of years so do not worry you will always have something to learn
  • Experience - You do not buy a product or a service for the sake of it but for a underlying experience which comes with it after it's usage/consumption .Key is EXPERIENCE that too by your EGO mostly as body has very limited needs ;-) and the more you satisfy your EGO the more it grows at your cost.. This experience you get can be of joy,pride,happiness,peace etc.
Human beings have invented currency instead of barter system as barter system  would have been sufficient for human need but for sure not for human greed. Barter System has it's limitation .Under barter system ,scarce things become expensive like gold,diamond not because they have a better use but because it was was satisfying human greed under barter system..Accumulate more gold and more diamonds..but after currency system ,it has even become easier..Now you can have trillions of dollars without having any thing... & you can make people work for life to get those .There are no more slaves but people are still slave of their mind and ego..)
Good marketers are smart (or cunning,depends you are on which side) enough to  see the hidden needs (& greed ) of human beings and create new services/products (We call it value addition ;-)) 

Everything has two it.or I will say many sides to it.....It depends how you see it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Living a contented ,happy and peaceful life !!

Each one of us wants to live a LIFE which is full of happiness, peace and contentment. Is this asking for more? Why is it so difficult to live this state of life? As I start questioning this, I start getting my answers…
You have only control on your feelings and thoughts which again are very much influenced by your social conditioning so start with just understanding this fact and start observing your feelings, thoughts and actions.  
While I started doing this, I realized that whatever you have plenty, you do not care and ignore and chances are that you would not have enjoy it.
In due course of time it will go from you or you may just die before you would realize it .In either case it may be late to re-live your life and re-do things again and change the course or live differently.
Whatever you have scarce, you hold it and continue struggle to get more of it .You hold/struggle so that you can have it as much as you had always wanted it so as to enjoy it. Chances here are that you would not have enjoyed it as well.
Some of you would have been determined, hardworking and lucky enough to achieve what you had always wanted but you may still wonder if it was a good bargain and worth for your life spent.
This is problem half solved as understanding the core issue does not equals to solving the issue. So the point was how to address this.
I started to observe my thankless attitude to have a thankful attitude which is nothing but a feeling of gratitude by thanking the nature, my higher consciousness and people around me .Make a note of same in a diary of Gratitude. Even just “living” is a great reason to feel gratitude for. Ask someone who is on death bed from a critical illness. Having someone whom you love is a great reason to feel gratitude about; you may realize when you have no one .Start writing 5 things which you want to be thankful about. If you are into prayer every day, prayer should consist of gratitude rather than asking for more. You can be thankful about anything and everything….basically the best things which happened that day…It will help develop a different attitude in you and will attract more of what you appreciate.
Life has already given us everything .Do not compare with others and with our past .Do not ask, work on it and work for it with a conscious mind rather than sleeping mind. Most important enjoy the process of working and feel contentment with our actions rather than results from our actions. There are expectations and standard set by the world before us where our mind gets trapped. Come out of it. It’s the foolish nature of our mind that always wants more and does not appreciate what we already have. It makes you feel incomplete and we crave for things which we feel you do not have enough.
As you start practicing a shift from being thankless to thankful attitude, your craving will reduce and contentment with life will improve...You will be more alive, happy and at peace